Kartonska tuba eteričnog ulja

Ekološki prilagođena bočica s eteričnim uljem, kartonsko pakiranje u tubama

Ovo kartonsko tubasto pakiranje izrađeno je od krutog kartona, dimenzija je 3*10 cm koje prilagođava naš kupac i može odgovarati za pakiranje eteričnih ulja od 30 ml. Ova kartonska tuba s eteričnim uljem ekološki je prihvatljiva i može se reciklirati jer je materijal biorazgradiv karton. Glavni dio logotipa je vrući tisak u zlatnoj boji, ostali uzorci i tekstovi su u offset tisku. Cijela površina kartonske cijevi je mat laminirana koja ne samo da daje mekši, prirodniji izgled, već također može dobro zaštititi efekte tiska. Kupci mogu prilagoditi bilo koji detalj prema potrebi.

Kartonska cijev staklenke za svijeće

Ekološki prihvatljiva luksuzna staklena posuda za svijeće, pakiranje u kartonsku tubu

This candle jar cardboard tube is rolled from cardboard stock and rigid paperboard, the main raw material is the recyclable cardboard, which can meet the requirements on the sustainable and environmental-friendly. This structure of this paper tube box is special for candle jar packaging, it is slim and long which can protect the glass jar well. Furthermore, there is a foam holder in the bottom of the cardboard tube which can make the candle jar more tight. The main logo area is hot foil stamping in gold color, all other the patterns, texts and logo are printed by offset printing in pantone color mode which is very attractive to catch the customers’ eyes. The matt lamination on the whole surface can improve the shiny effects and keep the surface of the paper tube box away from bumps and scratches. The dimension of this candle jar cardboard tube is 8*12 cm which is customized by our current customers. Other customers can further customize all details according to their own requirements if they are interested in this kind of candle jar cardboard tube.